



Connect with our leaders to explore how to best prepare for the future.


今天,我们的卫生系统面临着复杂的挑战. 新兴和不断发展的科学和技术推动护理和卫生服务提供模式不断改变. 迅速发展的数据集使询问成为了任务, interpreting and using that data to optimize operations ever more complex. 不断增长的人口, 不断变化的人口以及传染性和非传染性疾病继续在我们的社区肆虐,给服务能力和预算带来压力.


全球大流行对各国供应链和卫生安全提出了严重质疑. 它把重点放在生物医学教育和研究设施以及制药制造能力的重要性上,作为更广泛的整体卫生系统的一部分. And it’s highlighted the role of other critical services providers, 比如供水和公共交通, 保持种群的健康和繁荣.

What if we showed you how we’re helping clients face these challenges head-on, 重新构想创造和维持的方法, 运转良好的, 蓬勃发展, 有弹性的卫生系统 and contributing to personal, societal and economic well-being?


healthcare projects representing over $45B in 建设 cost​s





我们一直在研究 50多年来,我们一直是全球医疗保健提供商和生物制药公司,是生物制药行业最大的专业服务提供商. We have a detailed and nuanced understanding of their clinical, 操作和业务性能需求,我们理解他们在管理当前医疗保健环境时面临的挑战,同时为未来做规划. We leverage deep subject matter expertise across diverse scientific, 首页, 环境和数字领域, 提供最好的解决方案,这样他们就可以把最好的服务带给依赖他们的病人和家人. 

不要只相信我们的话, 《正规博彩十大网站排名》 雅各布斯排名不. 1 in both 健康care facilities design and Pharmaceuticals. 



我们建议政府, healthcare agencies and organizations on creating and implementing new pathways for effective decision-making, 资源管理和操作环境. 我们关注的是系统结构, 政策框架, 监管机制, 金融模型, 医疗保健联盟和责任.

Podcast: Infectious Diseases: Emergency Preparedness and 健康 System Resilience

Dr. Nino Kharaishvili和Dr. David Franz discuss how COVID-19 compares to other epidemics and pandemics; the best practices for emergency preparedness; the most pressing challenges with regards to pandemic preparedness that are not receiving enough attention; and how the current pandemic may change the way that healthcare systems respond to future pandemics.


covid -19之后的美国卫生服务

Dina Salvaggio (正规博彩十大网站排名 Principal of 健康care Consulting, APG) and Donn Sorensen (Executive Vice President of Operations, Mercy 健康 Ministry) discuss the impact of COVID-19 on the American healthcare system, 在劳动力挑战等领域, 金融的影响, and the evolving role of virtual medicine and 技术.

我们建议医疗保健高管, service providers and corporate partners on pathways to remain people-centered, 同时使服务可访问, 负担得起的和集成. 我们提供战略, operational and digital advisory and implementation support to improve quality of care, optimize service delivery and enhance the safety of patients and healthcare workers.


我们建议政府, healthcare agencies and organizations on creating and implementing new pathways for effective decision-making, 资源管理和操作环境. 我们关注的是系统结构, 政策框架, 监管机制, 金融模型, 医疗保健联盟和责任.

Podcast: Nursing 首页 Design and COVID-19: Balancing Infection Control, 生活质量和弹性

Dr. 戴安娜安德森博士. Desmond O’Neill and Thomas Grey talk about the importance of the built environment for nursing homes and its impact on residents; what the COVID-19 pandemic revealed about existing challenges within nursing homes; and what an ideal environment for nursing home residents might look like going forward.


Supporting critical 首页 as part of the holistic health system

我们与关键的首页运营商合作,让他们继续了解自己在保持社区健康以及作为整体卫生系统的一部分所发挥的作用,   提供环境, 工程, scientific and advisory solutions that support improved public health outcomes.


Nina Wollman, Vice President and Global Market Director, 健康

Nina-Wollman-midsize-headshotNina Wollman is responsible for elevating 正规博彩十大网站排名’ capabilities in the 健康 market. This includes creating and implementing 正规博彩十大网站排名’ 健康 market strategy, 提供一个有凝聚力的进入市场的方法, 推动创新和新的解决方案, 招聘和发展人才, 并最终扩大雅各布斯在市场上的影响力. Nina为健康市场带来了“一种可能思维的艺术”,并对我们以一种全新的方式与客户和社区打交道的能力充满热情,创造解决方案,使健康系统能够良好运行和繁荣,促进健康, 福祉和生活质量.


Dr. Nino Kharaishvili, Global 解决方案 Director, 卫生系统治理

nino-kharaishvili-headshot Dr. Nino Kharaishvili是前苏联40个不同国家的医疗保健专家, 非洲, 东南亚和中东. 她拥有超过15年的国际医疗保健咨询经验,并管理了专门从事全球卫生安全的团队, 卫生系统的准备, 疾病监测, 生物安全与生物安全, 程序度量和评估. Nino has a breadth of experience in defining paths for healthcare system sustainability and resilience, 以及设计和实施各种应急准备演习,以改进公共卫生应急准备和响应.

Matthew Holmes, Global 解决方案 Director, 卫生首页

matthew-holmes-headshot 马修是美国特许军人.K. and French registered architect who leads 正规博彩十大网站排名’ Global 健康 首页 business. 在美国完成专业训练后.K., he worked in mainland Europe for 10 years working on a range of health projects. 2011年,随着法国克莱蒙费朗大学中心医院的建成,他搬到了澳大利亚,在那里,他在领导雅各布斯的健康咨询和设计团队在世界各地的广泛的健康项目中发挥了重要作用. 他最近的工作包括在澳大利亚各地农村地区支持提供医疗服务的新设施, 新西兰和基里巴斯通过规划和设计的主要三级设施,如新的妇女和儿童医院在阿德莱德.

Craig Miller, Global 解决方案 Director, 卫生操作咨询

craig-miller-headshot Craig Miller is a seasoned industry expert with over 35 years of experience working with healthcare and hospitals, 生命科学和高等教育. 他的专长横跨运营领域, 金融, 技术, 项目管理, 建设, 物流和绩效改进. 克雷格向公司高管提出建议, 业主和设计师正在规划, contemplating or actively involved in programs and projects on their campuses, 占领地区, or concerned about optimizing and achieving program goals. He spent over 20 years exclusively overseeing major healthcare portfolios and capital programs in excess of $1.50亿跨越地理区域. He has worked and consulted on major complex program initiatives at leading medical centers, 包括贝斯以色列女执事医疗中心, Dana Farber癌症研究所, 丹佛儿童医院, 丹佛健康, 拉什大学医学中心, 密友, 康州大学健康, 奥克斯纳卫生系统, White Plains Hospital and most recently NYC 健康 + Hospitals Corporation.