金融了  •  椅子 & 首席执行官的消息  •  我们COVID-19响应 •  我们做正确的事 • 我们挑战已被接受的 • 我们的目标是更高的  •  我们生活包容  •  领导  •  BeyondExcellence奖  •  前瞻性陈述



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Our world changed in 2020 — both personally and professionally — since the COVID-19 pandemic started early in the year. 虽然这对我们所有人来说都是未知的领域, 我们的首要任务是人民和社区的安全和福祉. 当我们从办公室转到家里, we took our strong Culture of Caring℠ with us to create and sustain safe working environments for our teams.


确保客户的业务连续性, we leveraged our global and regional crisis management teams and our strong IT expertise to develop a 策略 for maximizing remote working for 85% of 正规博彩十大网站排名 employees within a 10-day timeframe. 我们还为在项目现场工作或从事重要工作的员工建立了安全协议, 关键任务工作. 我为我国人民在逆境中表现出的决心和韧性感到非常自豪.


我们认识到沟通是至关重要的. 通过每周的CEO周一信息和CEO与全球员工的虚拟市政厅, 我们提供了员工的个人最新情况, 我们的业务以及我们对社区和客户的回应. 通过我们的“与你保持联系”调查,全球反响强烈, 我们的员工分享了他们对远程工作的想法和反馈, 新的虚拟环境中的灵活性和协作性. 他们还分享了鼓舞人心的故事, creativity and mental wellbeing that we highlighted both internally and externally to emphasize that no one was in this alone.


就像我们定义我们的新常态, 我们投入了比以往更多的资金来重新思考, 重组和重新定义我们的技术, 工具, 工作流程和物理空间为我们的劳动力提供了灵活性, 提高协作, supported our capabilities to deliver value to our clients and improved global operational readiness. 当我们制定这些计划时, 我们将充分利用这段时间远程工作的好处和经验教训.


我们的动力是创建一个“独一无二的公司”,并通过积极的变革来领导, TogetherBeyond℠ is our global inclusion and diversity 策略 to ensure we deliver on our vision through four strategic pillars: Culture Building & 参与、领导的承诺 & 责任,发展人才,发展业务. 这不仅是正确的做法, 这对我们公司的长期健康发展至关重要, 将不同的团队聚集在一起,以创造更好的解决方案, 更多的创新成果.

与我们对包容的高度重视相一致, the diversity of 正规博彩十大网站排名’ continuing Board of Directors is at 55% comprised of 11 members from varied industry, 政府, 技术和业务背景, 提供健壮的治理结构. 我们的女性雇员占稳定的29人.5% of our global workforce in FY20 and the 2020年董事会妇女性别多样性指数 ranked us as a winning company exceeding its 20% criteria with 27% women on our Board.

说出来. 说出来.

捍卫正义是我们雅各布斯文化的一部分. 这就是我们. 在此时此刻, we have an opportunity to continue the momentum that has built around the world; to challenge and to change both workplace and societal dynamics and positively influence the Black employee experience within 正规博彩十大网站排名. 通过我们的黑人员工网络, Harambee, we facilitated a series of Courageous Conversations among the global 正规博彩十大网站排名 community giving more than 5,我们的三万名员工将会有一个安全的空间来分享和倾听.

我们启动了促进正义和平等全球行动计划, 建立在我们现有的"超越共同"战略之上. We will hold ourselves accountable to accomplish actionable initiatives to foster a company and community that embraces equality.

The action plan is about achieving true equality for all of our employees now and in the future — with a focus on ensuring Black employees have the 工具 needed to advance and achieve their ultimate goals.


基于我们去年11月推出的品牌,我们制定了我们的员工价值宣言:“正规博彩十大网站排名”. 一个你可以”的世界——与我们的文化保持一致, 我们的价值观和员工体验.

今年, our continued focus on developing our people brought about significant development of resources and 工具 for our employees. 我们推出了全球职业计划e3: engage. excel. 提升. 确保每一位员工都能参与到我们的全球网络中, excel in their role and 提升 their career through personal and professional growth with online learning and development courses, 根据角色和职业兴趣量身定制的人才概况和经验.


认识到他们的领导和经营纪律的重要贡献, 我们扩大了Kevin Berryman和Bob Pragada的角色, 12月有效. 1, 2019.

Kevin Berryman was appointed President and Chief Financial Officer and continues to lead finance and treasury, 投资者关系, 通信, 策略, M&和内部审计,并监督数字和信息技术. Bob Pragada was appointed President and Chief Operating Officer to oversee all global operations with Executive Vice President and COO of Critical Mission 解决方案, 道恩·希克顿和执行副总裁肯·吉尔马丁和帕特里克·希尔向他汇报.

肯·吉尔马丁和帕特里克·希尔被提拔共同领导人民 & 地方解决方案的业务线.

我想亲自感谢特里·哈根, 在雅各布斯工作了30多年后,他将于今年退休. 在他的职业生涯中, 特里·哈根做出了重大贡献, 对雅各布斯的长期贡献, including holding senior leadership roles that encompassed growth in all of 正规博彩十大网站排名’ business sectors. 他在我们的业务转型中起了关键作用, 为我们下一阶段的旅程做好准备.

I would also like to thank the members of our Senior 领导 Team retiring this year — and all of our retirees — for their endless contributions to our company and the lasting impact they have made to the people and communities around them.

社会 & 治理的承诺

在地球日50周年纪念日, 我们发布了雅各布斯的第一份首页, 承诺在我们的运营中使用100%可再生能源1 到2020年,我们的运营和商务旅行将实现净零碳, 我很自豪地与大家分享,我们已经实现了这一目标. 我们的长期承诺是,到2030年,我们的运营和商务旅行实现碳负排放. 另外, 我们继续帮助我们的客户整合可持续发展, 将低碳解决方案引入运营, 帮助他们最大化社会效益, 环境和经济效益.

雅各布出席达沃斯论坛, 世界经济论坛年会, 作为首页和城市发展省长的联合主席, 我主持了一个关于利用技术和创新实现净零碳未来的小组讨论.

作为我们与联合国可持续发展目标保持一致的承诺的一部分, we joined the UN Global Compact this year and became a founding member of the CFO Taskforce for the Sustainable Development Goals to help reshape the future of corporate finance and investment as a catalyst for growth, 价值创造和社会影响.


The 3-year growth 策略 we developed to build a company aligned to sustainable higher growth markets has proved its resilience during one of the most severe economic shocks in history. As we mark the third year since closing on the acquisition of CH2M — the largest of its kind in our industry — the alignment of our revenue synergies was key to our success, and our continued portfolio transformation created a model for successful follow-on integrations such as KeyW and Wood Nuclear.

Our resiliency during these challenging times was also driven by the diversity of our end markets and our alignment to high value sectors such as infrastructure, 网络, 国家安全, 水,

比如环境、医疗、制药和太空探索. 我们还从两个行业的规模效益中受益, allowing us to quickly adjust to global changes in demand and prudent management of our cost structure.

我们正在采用新的工作和经营方式, and I have asked Kevin Berryman and Bob Pragada to lead our Focus 2023 initiative to drive further innovation, deliver value-creating solutions to our clients and leverage an integrated digital and technology 策略 to improve our efficiency and effectiveness, 最终腾出宝贵的时间和资源重新投资于我们的员工.

没有我们的强大,我们不可能有能力度过这场风暴, 高度敬业的董事会. 我想亲自感谢即将退休的乔·布朗森,感谢他自2003年以来的贡献. 乔担任审计委员会主席15年,他的贡献,特别是在M&A,促成了我们投资组合的转型. 继续更新董事会, 我们在过去几个月里欢迎了两名新成员, 文森特·布鲁克斯将军和曼尼·费尔南德斯将军.


We are starting FY21 from a position of strength; enabled by the collective and focused efforts of our leadership to stay ahead of the competition and continue to grow profitably.

雅各布斯是一家特殊的公司. 我们经常提到我们的品牌承诺“挑战今天”. 重塑明天.“我们每天都在践行着它背后的意义. And that is because of our people; each reshaping 正规博彩十大网站排名 in ways we would not have imagined just a few years ago. 在过去的六个月里, 考虑到大流行所发生的一切,撤军本来是很容易的. 而是, 正规博彩十大网站排名 employees have continued to drive the business forward and deliver innovative solutions both internally and for our clients, 为我们的新财年做好了准备,并在未来拥有强大的未来.


12020年日历年结束前和2020年整个财政年之前, 雅各布斯将达到碳中性地位. 本说明适用于我们的首页和相关图表中对2020年的所有引用.